Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wrong Said Fred

It's not that I disagreed C-Bizz it's that I merely stated that Right Said Fred were the first douche-bags.
Case and point, the picture depicted below. Granted these douche-muffins don't have frosted tips they do have the other traits that are key give-aways when trying to spot a douche-bag. The godawful tattoos, the presence of a cross (when clearly religion doesn't play a role in their lives) the sleeveless shirts, the camo pants, the intense 'you messin' with me' look in their eyes.
We were discussing who the FIRST douche-bag was and thought Nick Lachey is indeed the douchiest of the douchey he was not the FIRST douche bag.

1 comment:

C-Stene said...

Is it just me, or do they look younger?