Friday, April 17, 2009


I'm sorry, Tina.
Lately, I've been having issues with thinking up totally rad stuff to write about.

This morning, I was talking to Andy Chan when the subject of Oprah's 1993 interview with Michael Jackson came up.
I remember that at the time, nothing that had ever aired on TV compared to this event. People from all over the world were glued to their TV sets, thinking that the mystery of this bizarre little man would be solved.
I seem to recall that the only thing revealed was that he wasn't a virgin.
And quite frankly, I'm not shocked.
If you think about it, he was quite the heartthrob in his youth. And with music super stardom there are always groupies. And apparently, groupies are slutty.
So, do the math. I'm sure the dude was "hitting skins" with the ladies when he was 12.

Then, I got to thinking about the time he was married to Lisa Marie Presley for 4 1/2 minutes. Remember when they were all like "I know you people don't believe that we're in love so we're going to have this awkward make-out session in front of a live audience."?
Ok, anyone can make out. It's not like you have to be in love. And I seem to recall Lisa Marie trying to pull away pretty quick.
I don't blame her. I wouldn't make out with Michael Jackson for all the kangaroos in Australia.

Now, Samuel L. Jackson. That's a different story.

1 comment:

Tee said...

I dont think Michael Jackson is human anymore.
He looks like a bad party joke.
What happened to that fun fresh five year old we fell in love with?
His mama can't be proud