Friday, August 14, 2009

Mo Po Fo Sho!

Remember the Mike Tyson's punch out post where I promised a 3 post a week guarantee?
Well, like most of my promises, that was empty.


I have excellent news. Tomorrow, in my little dungeon in the depths of my parent's basement, I get cable.
And we all know what that means.......I get to watch MAURY POVICH when I get ready in the mornings now!!!! What a Time to be alive!!!
If you know me, you know I loves me some MoPo.
Wild Teens, paternity tests, obese babies, Geek to chic. I love it all. Well, with the exception of the Jack Hanna episodes.
Those always make me angry.
If I had a dollar for every time I flip through the channels and get all excited to see Maury - only to be disappointed because some asshole is showing off his baby kangaroo, I'd be Bill effin' Gates. You know, if I wanted to see baby monkeys, I'd go to the zoo. Maury is for the exploitation of people's unfortunate situations. Not education.

The only thing I want to learn from Maury is to double bag it.


Rebs @ Book-Rants said...

I like Jack Hanna, he's trying to make it in main stream media, but just can't quite get there. A for Effort

Tee said...

I learned to double bag it when I got genital warts and herpes in one month, oh and a baby