Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

While sitting at work, I started to ponder Pat Benatar and got to thinking, she sure had some emo songs. Then I got the song Hit Me With Your Best Shot in my head. I wonder how many times douchebag-Dans went up to her and said, "I'll hit you with my best shot." For some reason, it sounds so much dirtier in this day and age. Probably because a wad of cum is considered a shot. Disgusting.

I would pay money to see Pat roundhouse kick a guy with a mullet in the face.

And not just a buck, I would pay a fair amount.

I wonder what Pat is up to these days. I wonder if she needs work. I think I just came up with a new reality TV show. Hit Me With Your Best Shot--random guys stuck in the eighties vs Pat Benatar.

What do you think?

My money is on Pat. She looks tough. And she most likely just got tougher with age.

1 comment:

C-Stene said...

I think we should offer Pat a job as a contributor to this blog.
She could have a nice little series called "People I'd Roundhouse."
I'm sure Scott Baio would be first on that list.
Then Maguyver.

She's one crazy bitch.