Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is there a soldier in here?

Frequently on our rides to work Christene and I talk about men of the afro american persuasion. The other day Christene informed me that if she could have any black guy she would have Kenan Thompson from Saturday Night Live, because he is comforting. To which I responded I would take Ludacris.
Often we bust out the song Soldier by Destiny's Child and live life large.
Anyways what I am trying to say is that I feel Will Smith's best days were when he was the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Everyone is all talking about Will like he is new or something or they are all like "Man he was so good in THe Pursuit of happyness' but seriously he was so good when he was telling me that there was a nightmare on his street.
(Side note that song actually scared me when I was a little piglet.)
Personally I thought the guy hit the peek of his career back in 94...If I find Fresh Prince while perusing the channels I have to stop and watch it, it's like it is ingrained in me.
Do you think Will still hangs out with Jazzy Jeff?

1 comment:

N. said...

I like to think that the Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff are still best friends and live next door to each other (and still have that rad handshake), even though Will Smith is a megastar now, and Jeff, if he's doing anything at all, is probably lining up an appearance at Cheers nightclub as part of an 80s Rap Revival Tour, along with Heavy D, Ice-T and other rappers who use initials for names (Like LL Cool J and Kool Moe D...or Chuck D)

Seriously, what's with all the damn initials?

(And yes, considering this is signed simply 'N' I do notice the irony)