Thursday, January 15, 2009

Willow's Wife?

When I worked at Wendy's, there was this guy there who once told me I looked like Willow's wife. Now, you've all seen the movie Willow, right?
At first, I thought he was joking, and I laughed it off. Then I started thinking and over analyzing, like I usually do.
Seriously, what a thing to tell someone. Out of nowhere. Why would he tell me that? And how random is that? Willow's Wife? Really???? And its not like I lived in a little mud hut village.
I know I'm short, but certainly not within the requirements to be considered a dwarf.
How the fuck did he come to this conclusion?? He didn't even give me an explaination!!!!!!!
Maybe I do look like Willow's Wife.

Maybe we have the same eyes? No, mine are green, and hers look brown.

Now, it looks like she has no eyebrows, and I have eyebrows, so it can't be that. Maybe we smile the same?

To this day, every so often I take a few minutes to look in the mirror, looking for resemblances. Thanks for the complex, douchebag.

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