Sunday, November 23, 2008

Free Porn! Now That I have your attention....

Does anyone remeber the scrambled-up porn they used to have on channel 88?
When I was 12, pre-illegal cable box days, I used to watch the scrambled up porn. Now, don't get all judgemental. Everyone did. I'm just the first to admit it.
I don't know why watched. I'd always mute it anyway, so my mom couldn't hear what was going on. And its not like I could really see anything. I'd just have to assume that there was something naughty going on. If it was a really bad (or good, however you look at it) scramble, you could see the outline of a penis or something, but that was it.
What is it about scrambled up porn that make people want to watch? I normally don't watch alot of porn, anyway. I find it kind of boring. I'm from Surrey, been there, done that. (I'm just kidding, by the way.)
Eventually, we got with the times and got one of those black boxes. My facination with the porn suddenly faded away. It was bizarre, once I could actually see what was going on, I lost interest.
Maybe it wasn't even about the porn itself, but the fact that it was forbidden. I'll never know.

Was this post too much information?

I don't care. Deal with it.

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