Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just Beat It

While bumping along in the Silver Chariot that promptly picks my ass up at 5:26AM, I come to realize that Michael Jackson is one scary dude.
Now what happened to him? Its one of the great anomalies of the world. He is almost the eighth wonder of the world.
What sort of shit was this kid put through?
I don't know. But now it pains me to look at him.
And what was with the hanging the baby out the window trick?
That's just not using your common sense.
No matter how Effed up the boy is you have to admit the man had some tunes.
With amazing lyrics and a pop-tastic beat that could only be created by a 1989 keyboard, how can you go wrong?
Tonight I want you to sit back, slip on Jacko's number ones and remember the boy before the creature. Remember that not so scary person who use to thrill us.
Just whatever you do don't think of the storey about how his nose fell off.

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