Thursday, February 12, 2009

You Can Grease My Lightening

I could like to start off this blog by saying that Scientologist and their loose cannon ways irk me. Ecspecially because this ALien loving team of wackos are snatching up people like Jason Lee and John Travolta. People that I had respect for but now, for some reason, no longer do.

Regardless of that, when I was 3 feet tall (and three feet wide at that), I had beady little eyes and those eyes loved to watch John Travolta. Remember when he was hot?

That was back in his Danny Zucco days. I miss the old John Travolta. The one I wouldnt kick out of bed and the one who made grade A caliber movies such as- Urban Cowboy, Staying Alive, Grease and Get Shorty. Now he is doig garbage like Wild Hogs and Ladder 49. Waste of my time, these movies are.

Not only that but the dude just looks scary now. My thirteen year old self is simply not impressed.

Maybe you need a better compassion, and I like to give the people what they want just gives a whole new meaning to hot and NOT!


C-Stene said...

Time has not been kind to Mr. Danny Zuko.

Rebs @ Book-Rants said...

wow..he's let himself go.