Saturday, December 13, 2008

Age Gracefully, you fools!

My hair is thinning a little.

I'm thinking about picking up one of those Hair in a can sprays.

You all know I'm kidding when I say this, as I am a wacky jokester, but some people aren't. Some people actually think that it's a good idea to spray paint their bald spots.

Really, I'm serious.

One day, Ron Popeil (yes, we have someone to blame for all this) decided that bald men no longer have to live with the shame of hair loss. He would create a product that would empower balding men with the abiltity to cover up their shame, but it would also come in a can too.

It's a stupid stupid idea and if you use it, people know you're insecure and probably single.

And what's with the name? GLH formula 9. It sounds like motor oil. It's quite possibly the worst product name ever.
Damn you, Ronco. Damn you to hell.

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